
Here are the market forecast for major cryptocurrencies this December 27-28, 2023.


Bitcoin Update:

The BTCUSD market is forming a sideways correction within its current uptrend. Expect a drop to around $41,180 within this correction. You can consider selling at $42,341 with a target of $41,180.


Ripple Watch:

Ripple is nearing the end of a downward wave within a larger pattern. Look for a further decline to roughly $0.574. Short positions with an entry at $0.615 and a target of $0.574 might be worthwhile.


Ethereum Forecast:

Ethereum’s current rally is nearing its final leg. Anticipate a pullback to approximately $2,120. Shorting at $2,218.57 with a profit target of $2,120 could be a potential strategy.

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