The FOMC meeting today will determine if interest rates are kept at current rate or cut. The expectation is for a revised dot plot indicating fewer rate cuts than previously anticipated, potentially strengthening the dollar and weakening risk assets.

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The US Federal Reserve meeting today is a key event that could impact all major currencies. Risk aversion due to the French election and weak economic data is putting pressure on the Euro, Aussie dollar, and gold. The US dollar and Japanese yen are benefiting from this risk aversion.

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The US Dollar is strengthening against most major currencies due to strong economic data. Several currencies are expected to see limited movement or potential reversals in the coming days. Gold and Oil remain under downward pressure.

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The strong US jobs report last Friday sent shockwaves through the system, leading investors to reconsider their expectations for the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decisions. This week’s all eyes are on inflation data (CPI) and the outcome of the Fed meeting. These will determine if the desired “soft landing” for the economy is possible and if the stock market rally can continue. Keep an eye out for other important economic releases and the Bank of Japan meeting, which could also cause some market swings.

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The markets are awaiting the ECB interest rate decision today, which could have a significant impact on the euro and other currencies. Investors are also keeping an eye on US economic data, such as nonfarm payrolls, which is expected to be released today. Investors are also looking ahead to the Bank of Japan meeting next week to see if they will take steps towards policy normalization. Gold prices are benefiting from dovish expectations from central banks and weaker US economic data.

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The US dollar is expected to strengthen against most currencies due to potential strong US data. Central bank meetings (ECB, BOC) and their impact on interest rates will be key factors.

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USD likely strengthens, pressuring EUR, GBP, JPY. EUR/USD, GBP/USD may fall on weak support. AUD/USD down on weak data, could weaken further. USD/CHF flat to weak. Silver, Gold may correct despite bullish signs.

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The global economic outlook remains uncertain with mixed data from major economies. Central bank decisions and inflation concerns are key factors influencing currency markets. The US dollar may be pressured by weak US data but could find support if the data is not as bad as expected. The focus for the euro and pound will be on upcoming ECB and Bank of England meetings. The Swiss franc is likely to remain volatile ahead of the Swiss National Bank meeting.

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This week’s economic releases will be crucial for shaping market sentiment. A dovish tilt from central banks and signs of a softening US labor market could trigger a rally in bonds and equities, while a stronger-than-expected jobs report could dampen hopes for Fed rate cuts and boost the US dollar.

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The US dollar’s strength is under question due to weaker than expected US GDP data. The Eurozone is anticipating inflation data and a potential ECB rate cut on June 6th. JPY carry trade strategies might be losing their appeal due to rising JGB yields. The Canadian dollar is under pressure due to the Fed’s delayed rate cuts. The Swiss franc is strengthening on the back of stronger-than-expected GDP data and potential SNB intervention. Gold is showing signs of a potential rebound.

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